
If Julia Fulmer Can Do It, Why Not You?

Julia Fulmer
Julia Fulmer
FastTRACK Director, OR

The loss of a job can be traumatic and life altering. But for Julia Fulmer, a setback gave her another opportunity to pursue her dreams with a Shaklee business. Check out her inspirational story!

When I first began my Shaklee business I was a stay at home mom of two young daughters and supporting my husband’s burgeoning speaking and coaching business. With our daughters and my husband’s new business, we had put aside many of the extras like vacations to focus on the business and keep our finances going.  So I started Shaklee figuring that if I could qualify for a Shaklee trip and earn an income by helping people get healthier that would be a great thing.

But in the spring of 2010 I suddenly had the opportunity of a “real job” fall into my lap. I thought it was the answer to help our family stabilize our finances. Unfortunately, after only four months on the job I was laid off. The “real job” did anything but stabilize our finances -- in the end it cost us more money in childcare and health insurance, not to mention all the stress and frustration I dealt with every day. As it happened, I was laid off in August 2010, the same time Roger announced the new Dream Plan! My upline Karin Dejan (Senior Director, OR) called me from Anaheim telling me all about it and I knew this was my answer. The four months at the “real job” reminded me of the life I was certain I didn’t want and I knew more than ever that I wanted the Shaklee lifestyle.  I pushed through my fears around sharing Shaklee with friends and family and three months later I became a FastTRACK Director!

Because I have my Shaklee business I have the freedom to be home with my kids without the stress of a commute and demanding boss. Every day I hold onto the hope of a bright future because of the very real incentive plan that Roger has given us. Every time I am working my business….team events, Shaklee calls, customer conversations…I feel excited, energetic and happy!

Have a question about this?
Click here and ask me!
Juli Becker

What Genius Lies Within You?

Somewhere in your makeup there lies sleeping, the seed
Of achievement which, if aroused and put into action, would
Carry you to heights, such as you may never have hoped to attain.

Just as a master musician may cause the most
Beautiful strains of music to pour forth from the strings of a violin, so may
You arouse the genius which lies asleep in your brain, and cause it to
Drive you upward to whatever goal you may wish to achieve.

~ Napolean Hill

Have questions about this?
 Juli Becker 

If Julia Fulmer Can Do It, Why Not You?

Julia Fulmer
FastTRACK Director, OR

The loss of a job and be traumatic and life altering. But for Julia Fulmer, a setback gave her another opportunity to pursue her dreams with a Shaklee business. Check out her inspirational story.

When I first began my Shaklee business, I was a stay at home mom with two young daughters and supporting my husband's burgeoning speaking and coaching business. With our daughters and my husband's new business, we had put aside many of the extras like vacations to focus on the business and keep our finances going. So I started Shaklee figuring that if I could qualify for a Shaklee trip and earn an income by helping people get healthier that would be a great thing.

But in the Spring of 2010 I suddenly had the opportunity of a 'real job' fall into my lap. I thought it was the answer to help our family stabilize our finances. Unfortunately, after only four months on the job, I was laid off. The 'real job' did anything but stabilize our finances - in the end it cost us more money in childcare and health insurance, not to mention all the stress and frustration I dealt with every day. As it happened, I was laid off in August, 2010, the same time Roger announced the new Dream Plan! My upline Karin Dejan (Sr Director, OR) called me from Anaheim telling me all about it, and I knew this was my answer. The four months at the 'real job' reminded me of the life I was certain I didn't want, and I knew more than ever that I wanted the Shaklee lifestyle. I pushed through my fears around sharing Shaklee with my friends and family, and three months later I became a FastTRACK Director!

Because I have my Shaklee business I have the freedom to be home with my kids without the stress of a commute and demanding boss. Every day I hold onto the hope of a bright future because of the very real incentive plan that Roger has given us. Every time I am working my business - team events, Shaklee calls, customer conversations - I feel excited, energized and happy!

Have questions about this?
Click here and ask me!
Juli Becker

What Is Your VISION?

What Is Your VISION?

Do You Know?

Do You Feel Called to Make a Difference in Someone's Life.

Do You Feel Called to Be a Radical Changer in the World?

Than I Encourage You to Take Action.

Go and Live Out the Manifestation of Your Purpose Today!

Have Questions About This?
Juli Becker

What Is Your VISION?

What Is Your VISION?

Do You Know?

Do You Feel Called to Make a Difference in Someone's Life.

Do You Feel Called to Be a Radical Changer in the World?

Than I Encourage You to Take Action.

Go and Live Out the Manifestation of Your Purpose Today!

Have Questions About This?

Juli Becker


The Future of Network Marketing

"The future of network marketing is unlimited.
There's no end in sight.
It will continue to grow because better people are getting into it.
They are raising the entire standard of MLM
to the point where soon it will be one of the most
respected business methods in the world."

~ Brian Tracy, author and motivational speaker.

Have questions about this?
Juli Becker


Do You Like to Help People?

If you're like me, your life is deeper, more meaningful, and your heart is at peace, when you know that you can help someone in need.

Your hours, days, and weeks seem more significant.

Everything is more significant.

Colors are brighter.

Smells are sweeter.

Sounds are clearer.

Do you know someone in need right now:

 - who is struggling in another MLM business?

 - who is unemployed and hating the thought of having to get another J.O.B.?

 - who needs to pay off student loan, credit card, mortgage, or vehicle debt?

 - who is smart, savvy, and sick of their current life?

 - who is teachable, trustworthy, tenacious, and time-tested?

Could that be you?

If so, feel free to contact me.


100 Marketing Tactics

Hello, friends!

I recently signed up for Suzanne Evans' Help More People mini course where Suzanne challenges us to create a list of 100 ways, things, ideas, and means to grow our business.

The first 25 or so I listed were easy to come up with during my lunch hour at work. I've since come up with 34 more.

Will you help me think of the final 41 to complete the required 100?

Here's what I've gotten so far:

1) Flyers
2) Brochures
3) Postcards
4) Business Cards
5) Car Magnets
6) Home Parties/Meetings
7) Print Ads
8) Hotel Presentations
9) Website
10) Blog
11) Forums
12) Email Marketing
13) Google Adwords
14) Facebook Page
15) Facebook Ads
16) Continuing Education Class (How to Grow Your Business Both On and Offline)
17) Free Stuff (Info Product, Key Chains, Pens, Magnets, Calendar)
18) Luncheons
19) Thank You Notes
20) Referrals
21) Affiliate Programs
22) Billboard Ad
23) Banner Ads
24) TV Ads
25) Interviews (Radio, Podcast)
26) Radio Ads
27) Podcasts
28) Video Marketing
29) Text Marketing
30) Click Bank
31) SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
32) Hire a Virtual Assistant
33) Joint Venture/Partnership
34) Google Locator Page/FourSquare
35) iPhone/iPad APP
36) Float in Parade
37) Presentation at Church
38) E-Book
39) Booth at Fair
40) Wall Ad at an Event
41) Airplane Tail Banner
42) Embroidery on Clothing (Hat/Shirt/Coat)
43) Personalized Stationery
44) Landing Pages
45) Clubs/Networking Groups
46) Newspaper Inserts
47) Bulletin Boards
48) Hold a Contest with 'Best Of' Award
49) Press Release
50) Letters of Introduction
51) Pop-Up Windows
52) Article Writing (Ezine)
53) Twitter
54) Create a Funnel
55) Slide Presentation (with or without audio)
56) Ad on Restaurant Placemat
57) Make Donations on Company's Behalf
58) Sponsor a Car Wash
59) Sponsor a Sport's Team

If you're able to, please, post your list of ideas in the Comments below. Otherwise, you can email them to me at

Thank you for your help!

Have questions about this?
Click here and ask me!
Juli Becker
Current Product Promotions


How to Manifest Your Dreams by Creating a Vision Board

Do You Have the Dream to Earn Up to $100,000 in the Next 15 Months with Shaklee? 
Creating a Vision Board May Help.
A vision board is a simple yet powerful visualization tool that activates the universal law of attraction to begin manifesting your dreams into reality. What is the Law of Attraction? Tha Law of Attraction states that we attract into our lives anything that we give attention to, regardless whether it be positive or negative. A vision board (also known as a goal board, goal map, or treasure map) is simply a visual representation or collage of the things that you want to have, be, or do in your life. It consists of a poster or foam board with cut-out pictures, drawings and/or writing on it of the things that you want in your life or the things that you want to become.
The purpose of a vision board is to activate the law of attraction to begin to pull things from your external environment that will enable you to realize your dream. By selecting pictures and writing that charges your emotions with feelings of passion, you will begin to manifest those things into your life.
The general elements that a well-designed vision board should include are:
Visual: Your subconscious mind works in pictures and images, so make your vision board as visual as possible with as many pictures as you can. You can supplement your pictures with words and phrases to increase the emotional response you get from it.
Emotional: Each picture on your vision board should evoke a positive emotional response from you. The mere sight of your vision board should make you happy and fuel your passion to achieve it every time you look at it.
Strategically-placed: Your vision board should be strategically placed in a location that gives you maximum exposure to it. You need to constantly bath your subconscious mind with it’s energy in order to manifest your desires quicker than you hope.
Personal: Negative feelings, self-doubt, and criticism can damage the delicate energy that your vision board emits. If you fear criticism or justification of your vision board from others, then place it in a private location so it can only be seen by yourself.
1) Foam core board (recommended) or poster board
2) A large assortment of magazines. You want to make sure that these are in color. You can go to various businesses or hospitals to ask for their old issues.
3) Glue. I prefer the dispenser type tape rollers, commonly used to mount photos because they are clean and won’t damage your pictures.
4) Scissors
5) (Optional) Color inkjet or laser printer
6) (Optional) 3 1/3” x 4” or larger printer labels.
7) (Optional) Internet access
Step 1—Compile your pictures. Start by going through your magazines and compiling all the pictures that you can find that are relevant to your goal. Don’t evaluate the pictures or start pasting them onto your board. Just stack them into a pile. If you are internet savvy, then a much quicker method that I do myself is to use an internet search engine to find good pictures that I can use for my board. You can either print the pictures out on paper and then glue it to the board, or print the pictures out onto a self-adhesive label so that it becomes a sticker. This is the preferred method because it is takes much less time to do and you can pinpoint your pictures using very good technology at your hands. Make sure that each image that you put on your board resonates with your heart and makes you excited at the mere look of it. It’s also important when selecting pictures to include anything that is congruent with your goal, such as any changes in your life that might result from obtaining your goal. So if your goal is to have a six figure income, then select pictures of a lifestyle that is congruent with your six figure income. Asking yourself the following questions might help you design a congruent vision board:
What would you do differently when you realize your goal?
Where would you travel?
Where would you live?
What would you wear?
What things would you own?
What kind of vehicle would you drive?
Who would you help?
Step 2—Sort and Cut. Go through your pile of pictures and select the ones that impact you the most emotionally. Cut the extraneous material away from the image.
Step 3—Arrange and glue. Start arranging your pictures creatively on your board. Don’t worry about being artistic—that’s not the point. The point is that your board should resonate with your emotions. Arrange your pictures in a way that gives you an emotional connection to your vision board. After you are satisfied with the arrangement, glue all your pictures in place. Additionally, you might want to add writing or drawing on your vision board if you feel that it would better resonate with your emotions. A feature unique to my vision boards is that I also put two labels on the bottom of board that read: “Date created: [today’s date]” and “Date Manifested: [blank]” This lets me know how long my vision has been gestating since its creation and also every time I look at my vision board, not only am I emotionally charged with the pictures, but I also feel an overwhelming sense to see it manifested to completion.
Step 4—Strategic positioning. The most important part of having a vision board is having it in a strategic location that gives you as much visual exposure to it throughout the day. For most of us, this is in the office, but if that is not possible or appropriate, then try your living room or your bedroom. Some people I know mount their vision boards on the ceiling above their bed so that it is the first thing they see when they wake up and the last thing they see when they go to sleep. If you are sensitive to what others might say of your vision board, then be sure to keep it in a safe area where only you will see it. Negative criticism or justification of your dreams can kill the energy that your vision board releases.
Step 5— Update your vision board. Your vision board has to inspire you. It has to charge you with renewed passion everytime you look at it and over time and as you progress closer towards your vision, you might find that some of the images or pictures on your vision board don’t really carry as much emotional impact on you as they did before. When this happens, you’ll want to update your vision board with new fresh images that do inspire you. You’re vision board is not a finished piece of art after its initial creation. It’s a dynamic piece of art that shifts and changes as your vision shifts and changes. Therefore, if you find your level of passion that your vision board gives you is growing weaker, then update it to bring fresh new emotions to it.
Vision boards are an important tool in your success tool box. They are cheap to make and their potential value to you is immeasurable. Figure out what you want in your life and then commit yourself 100% towards making that first step of creating your vision board and activating the law of attraction to pull your dreams into reality.
Loo, Tristan, 2007, How to Use a Vision Board to Activate the Law of Attraction:

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Social Marketing and Shaklee

Are You on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, MySpace, Tumblr, and Posterous already?

If so, then watch this video to see how you are already set up to start a Shaklee Business:

Social Marketing and Shaklee

Have a question about this? Click here and ask me!


Is There A Better Way?

Have you ever thought as you're making that mad dash to get everything done during your short 2-day weekend that there must be a better way?

On your Monday morning comute through rush hour traffic, lengthy stop lights, and mile long blocks, have you ever said to yourself that there must be a better way?

There must be a better way, you think, to earn the income needed to pay your mortgage/rent, car payment, and the rising cost of gas needed to get you to and from work.

And as you sit in your cubicle day in and day out, talking to the same old people, hearing the same old stories, doing the same old work (for someone else), have you ever thought to yourself that the there MUST be a better way!

There must be a better way, you think, to live your life, to experience the world, to fulfill your dreams...

If this is you, then go here to discover the better way:
Have a question about this? Click here and ask me!


Shaklee Shines - Spring 2011

Click on the Link above to view our Spring 2011 Digital Magazine

Have questions about this? Click here and ask me!


How Can Shaklee Help Me If I'm Worried About Losing My Home to Foreclosure?

Homeowner: I'm about to lose my home to foreclosure. How can Shaklee help me?

Juli: I am not going to pretend that your situation is an easy one. The prospect of losing one's home can be daunting, to say the least. I'm sure there are untold worries going through your mind right now.

Homeowner: You're right. We not only fear losing our home, but the memories we've created here as a family are going to be bittersweet from now on. Plus, we don't know where we are going to live after this. 

Juli: Well, what if I told you that Shaklee can change all that? 

Homeowner: What do you mean?

Juli: With Shaklee, there is an opportunity to create an income that may prevent what you believe right now to be the inevitable. Would you mind watching a short presentation to explain to you what I mean?

Homeowner: Sure. But is it very long? I still have to help my kids with their homework tonight.

Juli: No. It's not long at all. here is the link: When you are done, email me at to tell me if you'd like to get started.

Homeowner: Ok, no problem!

Have questions about this? Click here and ask me!

Can You Imagine Living the Life of Your Dreams?

Maybe your dream life is owning a log cabin in the country, surrounded by wildlife and natural vegetation. Maybe it's scuba diving among the coral reefs and relaxing on a sandy beach with your laptop and Mai Tai in hand. Maybe it's owning a yacht and traveling the world with the love of your life.

Or maybe it's humbler than that.

Maybe you just want to live a debt free life, or save your home from foreclosure, or pay off your student loan debt. Maybe you just want to be able to say that you have enough wealth to pass on to your children for generations to come, no matter where you live or whatever else you do.

Did you know that Shaklee can help you get to where you want to be?

With Shaklee, you not only get the financial rewards that allow you to live the life you want, you also get the reward of good health.

By using Shaklee products on a daily basis, you are rewarded with the best life possible. Because, in truth, what does it matter if you have all the material wealth, if you're not healthy enough to enjoy it?

Ready to get started?

If you are not completely satisfied, we have a 100% money back guarantee! 

Have questions about this? Click here and ask me!

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