
If Julia Fulmer Can Do It, Why Not You?

Julia Fulmer
Julia Fulmer
FastTRACK Director, OR

The loss of a job can be traumatic and life altering. But for Julia Fulmer, a setback gave her another opportunity to pursue her dreams with a Shaklee business. Check out her inspirational story!

When I first began my Shaklee business I was a stay at home mom of two young daughters and supporting my husband’s burgeoning speaking and coaching business. With our daughters and my husband’s new business, we had put aside many of the extras like vacations to focus on the business and keep our finances going.  So I started Shaklee figuring that if I could qualify for a Shaklee trip and earn an income by helping people get healthier that would be a great thing.

But in the spring of 2010 I suddenly had the opportunity of a “real job” fall into my lap. I thought it was the answer to help our family stabilize our finances. Unfortunately, after only four months on the job I was laid off. The “real job” did anything but stabilize our finances -- in the end it cost us more money in childcare and health insurance, not to mention all the stress and frustration I dealt with every day. As it happened, I was laid off in August 2010, the same time Roger announced the new Dream Plan! My upline Karin Dejan (Senior Director, OR) called me from Anaheim telling me all about it and I knew this was my answer. The four months at the “real job” reminded me of the life I was certain I didn’t want and I knew more than ever that I wanted the Shaklee lifestyle.  I pushed through my fears around sharing Shaklee with friends and family and three months later I became a FastTRACK Director!

Because I have my Shaklee business I have the freedom to be home with my kids without the stress of a commute and demanding boss. Every day I hold onto the hope of a bright future because of the very real incentive plan that Roger has given us. Every time I am working my business….team events, Shaklee calls, customer conversations…I feel excited, energetic and happy!

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Juli Becker

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